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Why you can not squeeze acne and how to get rid of them

When a pimple appears on the face, there is a great temptation to squeeze it out. It would seem that a five-minute thing is to lightly press on the skin around the pimple - and that's it. And the redness or scar in its place is not so terrible. But you can't do that.

Introduction. Is it possible to crush acne?

The fact that squeezing out a pimple, even one, is harmful, you have heard many times. But what is the danger of such a procedure?

  • firstly, several new ones appear in place of the old one, since the inflammation does not disappear;
  • secondly, the capillaries are damaged - they are especially thin on the face, when acne is squeezed out, the vessels are easily damaged;
  • post-acne appears - redness, scars;
  • acne presses - they bring an infection, especially if they do it with dirty hands;
  • the appearance of scars, which are much more difficult to deal with than acne or acne. In the fight against scars, no remedy gives one hundred percent guarantee;
  • the appearance of age spots;
  • swelling, sepsis (the body's reaction to inflammation).

How acne crushes. What happens when you do it yourself?

A little should be said about how acne appears. The reason for their occurrence is hormonal changes. Girls know that before menstruation, the skin is covered with rashes. The same thing happens in adolescence and with pregnant women, sometimes with people in times of stress. The reason is hormonal surges.

In the body of a teenager, the amount of androgens increases - male hormones (produced in the body of girls too). They contribute to the appearance of more sebecytes - glands that produce sebum. Its consistency also changes - it becomes thicker, which leads to the appearance of inflammation. By crushing them, people usually just press on the skin around the inflammation. Sometimes it is pierced before this with a needle pre-treated with alcohol.

In any case, the result is the same - trauma to the skin, since pus, coming out of the skin under pressure, tears it apart. The consequence of this may be scars or scars. It is much more difficult to get rid of them than from simple wounds. Sometimes they stay forever.

Also keep in mind that pus cannot be squeezed out completely. When you do that, some of it remains. We can say that the inflammation that we see on the face is just the tip of the iceberg. The main part is hidden under the skin.

Since capillaries are damaged during squeezing, pus enters the bloodstream, is carried by bleeding, so inflammation also appears in other places.

What happens if you do not crush acne

Ulcers can burst on their own. In this case, lightly press the area around it with a cloth until the pus comes out. Next, treat the wound with an ointment or solution. After treatment, cover the pimple with a hydrocolloid dressing.

Please note: before finishing acne, wash your hands. Do not pick them or blackheads, even if it seemed to you that not all the pus came out. You risk introducing an infection.

Proper nutrition, lack of stress, a healthy lifestyle will eventually lead to the fact that acne itself will disappear. This is facilitated by a change in hormonal levels - under the influence of hormones, the number of sebe cells will decrease, sebum will decrease. As a result, the number of acne and blackheads decreases.

What to do with acne on the face

You can't squeeze it out, how to fight? Simply. First, give up sweet and fatty. Secondly, avoid stressful situations, be able to relax.

And use special peels, washing gels, anti-acne tonics for oily and combination skin. It is this type that is most sensitive to inflammation because it secretes a greater amount of sebum, which serves as a nutrient for bacteria.

How to remove acne marks on the face

Acne is only half the trouble. Having got rid of them, you will face another problem - the so-called post-acne - redness, scars, wounds and microcracks. They will also disappear in a few weeks. But it is possible to speed up this process. The first thing to do is to use less decorative cosmetics.

Important: do not go to bed with makeup. It contributes to the appearance of inflammation.
Why you can not squeeze acne and how to get rid of them

10 tips for perfect facial skin

Perhaps every girl dreams of perfect facial skin. Clean, smooth, radiant health. And often it seems to us that it is unrealistic to achieve this. But, fortunately, this is not the case! Perfect skin requires effort: dietary changes, lifestyle changes, the use of the right cosmetics for care, and a host of other conditions. We have collected for you a few simple rules of facial care, thanks to which you can noticeably get closer to the skin of your dreams:

1. Drink more water

We all know how important it is to drink enough water a day. But, unfortunately, few people really follow this vital rule. But for our skin, water plays one of the key roles on the way to the ideal. Water normalizes metabolism in the body, removes toxins, helps to absorb nutrients, and also cleanses our skin from the inside, saturates it with moisture and prevents dehydration.

2. Try to eat right

Another obvious, but very important tip. The beauty of our skin depends on the diet. It is very important to include a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grains, meat and oily fish, and also try to reduce the consumption of flour, fatty, sweet, spicy and spicy. Excessive consumption of coffee and black tea worsens the complexion.

3. Don't touch your face with your hands during the day

During the day, we touch thousands of different objects indoors and outdoors, and even thorough hand washing does not get rid of bacteria 100%. In the meantime, if you often touch your face with your hands, you can easily provoke the appearance of acne.

4. Remove hair from your face

Needless to say about the huge number of bacteria that are on our hair? Therefore, it is especially worth paying attention to the bangs, because it has direct contact with the skin of the face. If you do not carefully monitor the condition of the bangs, acne on the forehead may well appear because of it.

5. Don't dry out your skin

Some products for problem skin can be quite aggressive, and their use can lead to overdrying, flaking and irritation of the skin. Choose the right cosmetics that include the main stages of facial care: cleansing, toning and moisturizing and containing natural ingredients that prevent overdrying.

6. Use scrubs with caution

Scrubs are a well-known tool for perfect skin. However, a scrub with large particles of an irregular, pointed shape can significantly damage delicate skin. Especially carefully it is necessary to approach the choice of scrub not only for sensitive, but also for problem skin, which also needs gentle cleansing.

7. Use a sponge to wash your face

Cosmetologists advise all foaming cleansers to wash off with a special cosmetic sponge. With it, you better remove not only impurities from your face, but also the remnants of the cleanser itself, as well as dead skin cells.

8. Use an ice cube to tone

Broths of chamomile, St. John's wort, a series in the form of ice cubes provide excellent facial care. Additional "washing" with ice decoctions tones the skin and helps prevent acne. Wipe the skin with frozen decoctions after using facial cleansers.

9. Wash pillows, towels, and pillowcases regularly

As well as other textile items that often come into contact with the face for a long time (scarves, hats). Our face is in contact with the pillowcase almost all the time we sleep, so it is very important that it is clean. Change them at least once a week. The same goes for face towels. Particles of dead skin cells remain on its villi, which create a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.

10. Use creams with spf protection

We need sun protection creams not only in summer, but also at any other time of the year when going out. Ultraviolet rays have an adverse effect on the skin, causing premature wrinkles and age spots.

The main thing to remember

Perfect skin is, first of all, your good mood and the right facial care products. Pure Line has developed a line of cosmetics with natural ingredients that meet the individual needs of various skin types.

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